A Journey of Enthusiastic Persistance

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, lived a young and aspiring inventor named Mia. Mia was known throughout the village for her boundless enthusiasm and her insatiable curiosity about the world around her. From an early age, Mia had a dream—to invent something that would make life easier for everyone in the village. She started by attempting to create a water-powered contraption to carry heavy loads, but her initial designs were met with failure. Undeterred, Mia tinkered, adjusted, and tried again, learning from each setback. As the years went by, Mia's workshop became a hub of activity. The villagers watched as Mia's experiments sometimes resulted in small explosions or amusing mishaps, but her enthusiasm never waned. She faced failure after failure, yet her optimism remained unshaken. One day, the village announced a grand innovation fair, inviting inventors from neighboring towns to showcase their creations. Mia was determined to seize this o...

Organized Planning

Organized Planning

The Crystallization of Desire into Action

The Sixth Step towards Riches

Welcome back achievers, we are on the other step to be riches that is organized planning from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
     Organized Planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve the desired goal. Everything the people create from ideas to products begins in the form of desire. To get the dream we have to take some steps to take something from our mind and turn into reality, this is where your plans come into the spotlight. Remember one thing first we have to clear that plan should be definitely don't need to be perfect and that plan should be executed as soon as you can.
     Without a plan you cant achieve anything. Here plan takes a crucial rule in the way of achieving our desire/goal/success. Intelligent planning is essential for success in any undertaking designed to accumulate riches.
     There is a list of tasks to do regarding organized planning. 
  1. Form a group of like-minded people to discuss and create a plan for your main desire. Working together to achieving the goal you want to achieve. In short, this is called MMA(Master Mind Alliance).
  2. Before forming a group, decide the positive and advantages you can give to the team members of your group in return for their advice/effort. No one will work indefinitely without some form of compensation. Remember this may not always be in the form of money.
  3. Arrange to meet with your group at least twice a week, until you have finalized your plan. So that you can know what is the current status of your plan/desire.
  4. Maintain a perfect harmony with every member of your group.
These are the main key points to ensure success you must plans that are almost faultless and tap into the minds of other successful minds and nearly absorb as much information you can.
     Keep in mind these facts:--
First: - You are engaged in an understanding of major importance to you. to be sure of success, you must have plans which are faultless.
Second: - You must have the advantage of the experience, education, native ability, and imagination of other minds. This is in harmony with the methods followed by every person who has accumulated a great fortune.
     If unfortunately, some plan fails don't worry about what you have to do, just remember a good concept, winners always have backups like Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and even Plan D.
     James J. Hill met with temporary defeat when he first endeavored to raise the necessary capital to build a railroad from the East to West, but he, too, turned defeat into victory through new plans.
     Henry Ford met with temporary defeat, not only at the beginning of his automobile career, but after he had gone far toward and the top. He created new plans and went marching on to financial victory.
     When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sounds, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal. If you give up before your goal has been reached, you are a "quitter".
A Quitter Never Wins-- A Winner Never Quits
Temporary defeat should mean only one thing, the certain knowledge that there is something wrong with your plan. your achievements can be no greater than your plans are sound.
     To organize all these tasks you must need a great deal of leadership. The 11 qualities of leadership that must have in a leader, that are defined below;
  1. Unwillingness courage based upon knowledge of self, and of one's occupation too.
  2. Self-control The man who can't control himself can never control others.
  3. A keen sense of justice. Without a sense of fairness and justice, no leader can command and retain the respect of his followers.
  4. Definiteness of plan.
  5. Definiteness of decision.
  6. Habit doing more than paid for.
  7. A pleasing personality.
  8. Sympathy and understanding.
  9. Mastery of detail.
  10. Willingness to fulfill responsibilities.
  11. Cooperation.
Now we are the stage where we are going to know what are the major faults of leaders who fail, because it is just as essential to know what not to do as it is to know what to do. 
  • Inability to organize details.
  • Unwillingness to render humble service.
  • Expectation of pay for what they "know" instead of what they do with that which they know.
  • Fear of competition from followers.
  • Lack of Imagination.
  • Selfishness.
  • Intemperance.
  • Disloyalty.
  • Emphasis on the "authority" of leadership.
  • Emphasis of title.
     These are among the more common of the causes of failed leadership. Any of these faults is sufficient to induce failure.
So in this session, we learn about what is organized planning and how it take nearer towards our goal. In our next topic we are going to know about Decision.
If you didn't read the previous topic of Imagination
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Happy Reading.


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