
Showing posts from April, 2020

A Journey of Enthusiastic Persistance

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, lived a young and aspiring inventor named Mia. Mia was known throughout the village for her boundless enthusiasm and her insatiable curiosity about the world around her. From an early age, Mia had a dream—to invent something that would make life easier for everyone in the village. She started by attempting to create a water-powered contraption to carry heavy loads, but her initial designs were met with failure. Undeterred, Mia tinkered, adjusted, and tried again, learning from each setback. As the years went by, Mia's workshop became a hub of activity. The villagers watched as Mia's experiments sometimes resulted in small explosions or amusing mishaps, but her enthusiasm never waned. She faced failure after failure, yet her optimism remained unshaken. One day, the village announced a grand innovation fair, inviting inventors from neighboring towns to showcase their creations. Mia was determined to seize this o

You can Win --{ Chapter 2 }Success

[ Chapter 2 ] [ Success ] [ Winning Strategies ] “Successful people don’t do great things; they only do small things in a great way.” Definition of Success: -             Success is not an accident. It is the result of our attitude and our attitude is a choice. Hence success is a matter of choice and not chance. Most crackpots keep waiting for a jackpot. But can that bring success? “A priest was driving by and saw an exceptionally beautiful farm. He stopped his car to appreciate the bountiful crop. The farmer was riding on his tractor and saw the priest at the corner. He drove towards the Priest and when he got there the priest said, "God has blessed you with a beautiful farm. You should be grateful for it. The farmer replied, "Yes, God has blessed me with a beautiful farm and I am grateful for it, but you should have seen this farm when God had the whole farm to himself!” We need to keep our minds on what we want, not on what we don't want.

You can Win -- Chapter 1 Importance of Attitude

[Chapter 1] [Importance of Attitude] [Building a positive attitude] “There was a man who made a living selling balloons at a fair. He had all colors of balloons, including red, yellow, blue, and green. Whenever business was slow, he would release a helium-filled balloon into the air and when the children saw it go up, they all wanted to buy one. They would come up to him, buy a balloon, and his sales would go up again. He continued this process all day. One day, he felt someone tugging at his jacket. He turned around and saw a little boy who asked, "If you release a black balloon, would that also fly?" Moved by the boy's concern, the man replied with empathy, "Son, it is not the color of the balloon, it is what is inside that makes it go up." The same thing applies to our lives. It is what is inside that counts. The thing inside of us that makes us go up is our attitude. We can see in our daily life that some individuals, organizations